Matamata, New Zealand, my dream place and where the hobbit lives.

After I read on the internet that the travel guide "Lonely Planet" (one of the largest travel guide publishers in the world.) recently voted New Zealand as one of its top five countries in the world to visit, I immediately knew I should learn about this country; about their language, their animals, their culture, what they eat, the touristic places, everything! Is the best place to travel nowadays, there’s no waste of time reading about it.

After reading a lot of opinions on the internet, visit travel blogs, I saw Instagram photos and search articles about the country, I could list hundreds of reasons why I would love visiting New Zealand. There’s just so much to enjoy there! However, one village caught my attention because all the posts were talking about it. Matamata, also known as "The green land", also known as "Hobbiton". 

Hobbiton is a fictional location of the legendary writer John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, who appears in his novels and the films "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings". But in the real life, it`s called Matamata, and it’s a small village in New Zealand which is one of the most famous touristic places in the country. Not only because of their stellar appearance in the films, it´s also because of their peculiar architecture. Houses within mountains covered with grass. Can you imagine that?

But why visit a place like this? Well, ignoring the fact that it is a wonderful place in terms of nature and landscape, (I hope we all agree on that, just look at it) as an architecture student and a fan of the lord of the rings, it’s something that just I can´t miss to see in my life!

It´s just phenomenal how these structures are builds and designed. Definitely I want to go there and have the pleasure at least of seeing from the outside and draw one of theme (no caxo el draw one of theme?), but if I can get inside and see the distribution, the materials, the type of decoration, would be a dream come true! I know there like one million pictures on the internet from the inside of this building, but that’s so boring! seeing the things with our eyes it’s a completely different experience. (And what fan of the hobbit and the lord of the rings doesn’t want to go where the films were recorded and to actually know where the hobbit lived?) I Definitely need to go to this country and visit this place.