BLOG 5 - Academic Challenges 2021

Due to pandemic, this year is being difficult in so many diferent ways, going from the unestable economically situations, to the selfcare, and the emotionally and academically problems. 

As a student how entry to the university I have to face many challenges. One of the principal problems of this situation is the bad conection to internet, wich is the principal way to do anything now. It always put me so nervous and mad when I can´t entry to an online class. 

Other problem was the home learning. If your not constant doing the homework or the activities you´re going to have problems. The task start to acumulate and the time it´s not enough when you arrived that point.
Also, you must be dealt with the obstacles of learning in home. If you have little brothers, or you have to live with other persons how make annoying noises it´s a problem, the confinement it´s a problem too, and the fact of only talk with persons trought a screen, and only see the fours walls of your house everyday it´s so mentally stressful and repetitive.

However, if you know how to do it, and you can control this challenges and problems, and you are an organized person, your learning will be great and succesful

Also, I can ́t let the fact, And it ́s one of the thing that I dislike most, It ́s the fact of spending all my day in the computer. Literally I spend 10 hours between online classes and the virtual homework that I end the week so sick of tecnology.

But as my grandma says, "if life give you lemons, make lemonade", so now I have to see the glass half full, be strong, and take the positive things of the bad things.

After all, what I really enjoy and I dare to said it´s my favorite thing, it´s the fact that I have my "study center" a few steps and not miles away. It´s really cool that you are in the comfort of home working even in pajamas and not far away from your bed.