When i was young, I used to dream about being a youtuber. I used to dream about having millions of subscribers in my channel and that they comment in my videos and support all my plans and things I wanted to do. In the case I was a famous youtuber, I used to dream about travel and do events around the world were people come to see me and support me. This is an indoor job who need a lot of attention and charisma, that is because you need to entertain your followers, who at the end of the day, they are the people that pay and donate money to see your content.

A little more older, I used to dream about being a succesful singer. I used to dream about having the outdoor job of traveling and having tours around the world doing concerts in a out sold stadiums and gaing a lot of money selling tickets. I used to dream about having the oportunity of dance and sing my own songs, and share the stage with other artists like Bruno Mars or Beyoncé. I always wanted to win awards like all the succecful singers, and have the opportunity of going in the street and be that person that the people ask for a picture or a video.


Nowadays I dream of being a famous architecture, and actually I´m studying for being one, and don´t get me wrong, I really love what I want to be in my life, but sometimes I wish that my two old dreams, maybe in a future, come true.