The Role of Technology in my Life

As a person how belong to the generation Z it´s difficult stay 5 minutes without technology and internet. I need to use it literality in everything that I do, from listening to music on my cell phone, or wanting to buy something in my computer, or just to find in the internet the recipe of something that I want to cook. In five minutes, you have the answer to all your questions.


My favorite thing about technology is that I made my life ten times easier. If I need to call someone, I can use a cell phone to do it and we can talk in real time, not wait 2 weeks like in the old times when you must wait too much amount of time to know what the other person said. What an anxiety!

Or if I want to see a show form other country, with the internet I can, I don´t need to waste thousand of dollars to travel and see a show maybe in the las seat of the stadium because I arrived late, I can see it in a web site on my computer.

You can do everything you want with technology, from improved healthcare, or a safe online payment, an online grocery shopping, or have the position where you are in real time. Literally you can go to the mountain with the GPS  that it’s in your car, while you see your favorite music show, and if it's late while you drive back home from your travel, no problem, you can order the things to cook for the week from your cell phone.

Technology it`s here to stay, if we use it good, we can have the world in our hands.